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Nature Hike


Surf Carona is Brazil's leading community travel app for surfers and beachgoers that matches drivers with empty seats with passengers traveling in the same direction, so they can share the cost of the trip. Combining a passion for surfing and a love for the planet, Surf Carona aims to create a global community of beach enthusiasts who support each other. By facilitating shared tours, we seek not only to make access to beaches easier and more economical, but also to reduce our ecological footprint and promote a culture of care and conservation. Through our efforts, we imagine a world where every wave surfed is a step towards a more sustainable and connected planet, where barriers are broken down and community spirit prevails.

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Our story

Living in the charming Lagoa da Conceição in Florianópolis, my adventure in the world of surfing was just beginning. As I got better, my desire to surf grew even more, but I faced a big obstacle: I didn't have a car to get to the more distant beaches. I often depended on friends for rides or faced long rides with my large beginner board, which was not only tiring but also time-consuming.

It was watching surfers passing through my neighborhood on their way to the beaches that the idea for "Surf Carona" came to me. Why not create a system where surfers could share rides, both to the beaches and back? This would save time and money, as well as offering the chance to make new friends.

I developed "Surf Carona" to connect surfers looking for and offering rides, but I realized that its potential went further, also serving those who just want to enjoy a day at the beach. I'm working to release a basic version, an MVP, before the end of the year. This initial release is crucial to understanding what users really value and what improvements are needed.

With user feedback, my goal is to make Surf Carona the best app for surfers in Brazil. It's not just about making transportation easier, it's about creating a more connected and supported community. Through active listening and continuous development, I am committed to transforming Surf Carona into an essential tool, not only for surfers, but for all sea lovers.

- Hunter, Founder

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